Definitive Work on Theosophy
Quan Judge
The doctrine of
Cycles is one of the most important in the whole theosophical system, though
the least known and of all the one most infrequently referred to.
investigators have for some centuries suspected that events move in cycles, and
a few of the writers in the field of European literature have dealt with the
subject, but all in a very incomplete fashion. This incompleteness and want of
accurate knowledge have been due to the lack of belief in spiritual
things and
the desire to square everything with materialistic science. Nor do I pretend to
give the cyclic law in full, for it is one that is not given out in detail by
the Masters of Wisdom. But enough has been divulged, and enough was for a long
time known to the Ancients to add considerably to our knowledge.
A cycle is a
ring or turning, as the derivation of the word indicates. The corresponding
words in the Sanskrit are Yuga, Kalpa, Manvantara, but of these yuga comes
nearest to cycle, as it is lesser in duration than the others. The beginning of
a cycle must be a moment, that added to other moments makes a day, and those
added together constitute months, years, decades, and centuries.
Beyond this
the West hardly goes. It recognizes the moon cycle and the great sidereal one,
but looks at both and upon the others merely as periods of time. If we are to
consider them as but lengths of time there is no profit except to the dry
student or to the astronomer. And in this way today they are regarded by
European and
American thinkers, who say cycles exist but have no very great bearing on human
life and certainly no bearing on the actual recurrence of events or the
reappearance on the stage of life of persons who once lived in the world.
theosophical theory is distinctly otherwise, as it must be if it carries out
the doctrine of reincarnation to which in preceding pages a good deal of
attention has been given. Not only are the cycles named actual physical facts
in respect to time, but they and other periods have a very great effect on
human life and the evolution of the globe with all the forms of life thereon.
Starting with
the moment and proceeding through a day, this theory erects the cycle into a
comprehensive ring which includes all in its limits. The moment being the
basis, the question to be settled in respect to the great cycles is,
When did the
first moment come? This cannot be answered, but it can be said that the truth
is held by the ancient theosophists to be that at the first moments of the
solidification of this globe the mass of matter involved attained a certain and
definite rate of vibration which will hold through all variations in any part
of it until its hour for dissolution comes. These rates of vibration are
determine the different cycles, and, contrary to the ideas of western science,
the doctrine is that the solar system and the globe we are now on will come to
an end when the force behind the whole mass of seen and unseen matter has
reached its limit of duration under cyclic law. Here our doctrine is again
different from both the religious and scientific one.
We do not
admit that the ending of the force is the withdrawal by a God of his
protection, nor the sudden propulsion by him of another force against the
globe, but that the force at work and determining the great cycle is that of
man himself considered as a spiritual being; when he is done using the globe he
leaves it, and then with him goes out the force holding all together; the
consequence is dissolution by fire or water or what not, these phenomena being
simply effects and not causes.
The ordinary
scientific speculations on this head are that the earth may fall into the sun,
or that a comet of density may destroy the globe, or that we may collide with a
greater planet known or unknown. These dreams are idle for the present.
being the great law of life and progress, it is interwoven with that of the
cycles and karma. These three work together, and in practice it is almost
impossible to disentangle reincarnation from cyclic law. Individuals and nations
in definite streams return in regularly recurring periods to the earth,
and thus
bring back to the globe the arts, the civilization, the very persons who once
were on it at work. And as the units in nation and race are connected together
by invisible strong threads, large bodies of such units moving slowly but
surely all together reunite at different times and emerge again and again
together into
new race and new civilization as the cycles roll their appointed rounds.
Therefore the
souls who made the most ancient civilizations will come back and bring the old
civilization with them in idea and essence, which being added to what others
have done for the development of the human race in its character and knowledge
will produce a new and higher state of civilization.
This newer
and better development will not be due to books, to records, to arts or
mechanics, because all those are periodically destroyed so far as physical
evidence goes, but the soul ever retaining in Manas the knowledge it once
gained and always pushing to completer development the higher principles and
powers, the essence of progress remains and will as surely come out as the sun
And along
this road are the points when the small and large cycles of Avatars bring out
for man's benefit the great characters who mould the race from time to time.
The Cycle of
Avatars includes several smaller ones. The greater are those marked by the
appearance of Rama and Krishna among the Hindus, of Menes among the Egyptians,
of Zoroaster among the Persians, and of Buddha to the Hindus and other nations
of the East. Buddha is the last of the great Avatars and is in a larger cycle
than is Jesus of the Jews, for the teachings of the latter are the same as
those of Buddha and tinctured with what Buddha had taught to those who
instructed Jesus. Another great Avatar is yet to come, corresponding to Buddha
and Krishna combined. Krishna and Rama were of the military, civil, religious,
and occult order; Buddha of the ethical, religious, and mystical, in which be
was followed by Jesus; Mohammed was a minor intermediate one for a certain part
of the race, and was civil, military, and religious. In these cycles we can
include mixed characters who have had great influence on nations, such as King
Arthur, Pharaoh, Moses, Charlemagne reincarnated as Napoleon Bonaparte, Clovis
of France reborn as Emperor Frederic III of Germany, and Washington the first
President of the United States of America where the root for the new race is
being formed.
At the
intersection of the great cycles dynamic effects follow and alter the surface
of the planet by reason of the shifting of the poles of the globe or other
convulsion. This is not a theory generally acceptable, but we hold it to be
true. Man is a great dynamo, making, storing, and throwing out energy, and when
masses of men composing a race thus make and distribute energy, there is a
resulting dynamic effect on the material of the globe which will be powerful
enough to be distinct and cataclysmic. That there have been vast and awful
disturbances in the strata of the world is admitted on every hand and now needs
no proof;
these have been due to earthquakes and ice formation so far as concerns
geology; but in respect to animal forms the cyclic law is that certain animal
forms now extinct and also certain human ones not known but sometimes suspected
will return again in their own cycle; and certain human languages now known as
dead will be in use once more at their appointed cyclic hour.
Metonic cycle is that of the Moon. It is a period of about nineteen years,
which being completed the new and the full moons return on the same days of the
cycle of the Sun is a period of twenty eight years, which having elapsed the
Dominical or Sunday letters return to their former place and proceed in the
former order according to the Julian calendar."
The great
Sidereal year is the period taken by the equinoctial points to make in their
precession a complete revolution of the heavens. It is composed of 25,868 solar
years almost. It is said that the last sidereal year ended about 9,868 years
ago, at which time there must have been on this earth a violent convulsion
or series of
such, as well as distributions of nations. The completion of this grand period
brings the earth into newer spaces of the cosmos, not in respect to its own
orbit, but by reason of the actual progress of the sun in an orbit of its own
that cannot be measured by any observer of the present day, but which is
guessed at by some and located in one of the constellations.
Affecting man
especially are the spiritual, psychic, and moral cycles, and out of these grow
the national, racial, and individual cycles. Race and national cycles are both
historical. The individual cycles are of reincarnation, of sensation, and of
impression. The length of the individual reincarnation cycle
for the
general mass of men is fifteen hundred years, and this in its turn gives us a
large historical cycle related closely to the progress of civilization.
For as the
masses of persons return from devachan, it must follow that the Roman, the
Greek, the old Aryan, and other Ages will be seen again and can to a very great
extent be plainly traced. But man is also affected by astronomical cycles
because he is
an integral part of the whole, and these cycles mark the periods when mankind
as a whole will undergo a change.
In the sacred
books of all nations these are often mentioned, and are in the Bible of the
Christians, as, for instance, in the story of Jonah in the belly of the whale.
This is an absurdity when read as history, but not so as an astronomical cycle.
"Jonah" is in the constellations, and when that astronomical point
which represents man reaches a point in the Zodiac which is directly opposite
the belly of Cetus or the whale on the other side of the circle, by what is
known as the process of opposition, then Jonah is said to be in the center of
the fish and is "thrown out" at the expiration of the period when
that man-point has passed so far along in the Zodiac as to be out of opposition
to the whale. Similarly as the same point moves thus through the Zodiac it is
brought by opposition into the different constellations that are exactly
opposite from century to century while it moves along.
During these
progresses changes take place among men and on
earth exactly
signified by the constellations when those are read according to the right
rules of symbology. It is not claimed that the conjunction causes the effect,
but that ages ago the Masters of Wisdom worked out all the problems in respect
to man and found in the heavens the means for knowing the exact dates
when events
are sure to recur, and then by imprinting in the minds of older nations the
symbology of the Zodiac were able to preserve the record and the prophecy.
Thus in the
same way that a watchmaker can tell the hour by the
arrival of
the hands or the works of the watch at certain fixed points, the Sages can tell
the hour for events by the Zodiacal clock. This is not of course believed
today, but it will be well understood in future centuries, and as the nations
of the earth have all similar symbols in general for the Zodiac, and as
also the
records of races long dead have the same, it is not likely that the
vandal-spirit of the western nineteenth century will be able to efface this
valuable heritage of our evolution. In Egypt the Denderah Zodiac tells the same
tale as that one left to us by the old civilization of the American continent,
and all of these are from the same source, they are the work of the Sages who
come at the
beginning of the great human cycle and give to man when he begins his toilsome
ascent up the road of development those great symbols and ideas of an
astronomical character which will last through all the cycles.
In regard to
great cataclysms occurring at the beginning and ending of the great cycles, the
main laws governing the effects are those of Karma and Reimbodiment, or
Reincarnation, proceeding under cyclic rule. Not only is man ruled by these
laws, but every atom of matter as well, and the mass of matter is constantly
undergoing a change at the same time with man. It must therefore exhibit
alterations corresponding to those through which the thinker is going.
On the
physical plane effects are brought out through the electrical and other fluids
acting with the gases on the solids of the globe. At the change of a great
cycle they reach what may be termed the exploding point and cause violent
convulsions of the following classes:
(b) Floods
(c) Fire
(d) Ice
may be brought on according to this philosophy by two general causes; first,
subsidence or elevation under the earth-crust due to heat and steam, second,
electrical and magnetic changes which affect water and earth at the same time.
These last have the power to instantaneously make the earth
without melting it, thus causing immense and violent displacements in large or
small waves. And this effect is sometimes seen now in earthquake districts when
similar electrical causes are at work in a smaller measure.
Floods of
general extent are caused by displacement of water from the subsidence or
elevation of land, and by those combined with electrical change which induces a
copious discharge of moisture. The latter is not a mere emptying of a cloud,
but a sudden turning of vast bodies of fluids and solids into water.
fires come on from electrical and magnetic changes in the atmosphere by which
the moisture is withdrawn from the air and the latter turned into a fiery mass;
and, secondly, by the sudden expansion of the solar magnetic center into seven
such centers, thus burning the globe.
cataclysms come on not only from the sudden alteration of the poles but also
from lowered temperature due to the alteration of the warm fluid currents in
the sea and the hot magnetic currents in the earth, the first being known to
science, the latter not. The lower stratum of moisture is suddenly frozen, and
vast tracts of land covered in a night with many feet of ice. This can easily
happen to the British Isles if the warm currents of the ocean are diverted from
its shores.
Egyptians and Greeks had their cycles, but in our opinion derived them from the
Indian Sages. The Chinese always were a nation of astronomers, and have
recorded observations reaching far back of the Christian era, but as they
belong to an old race which is doomed to extinction -- strange as the assertion
may appear -- their conclusions will not be correct for the Aryan races.
On the coming
of the Christian era a heavy pall of darkness fell on the minds of men in the
West, and India was for many centuries isolated so as to preserve these great
ideas during the mental night of Europe. This isolation was brought about
as a necessary precaution taken by that great Lodge to which I adverted in
Chapter I, because its Adepts, knowing the cyclic laws perfectly, wished to
preserve philosophy for future generations. As it would be mere pedantry and
to discuss the unknown Saros and Naros and other cycles of the Egyptians, I
will give the Brahmanical ones, since they tally almost exactly with the
correct periods.
A period or
exhibition of universal manifestation is called a Brahmanda, that is a complete
life of Brahma, and Brahma's life is made of his days and years, which, being
cosmical are each of immense duration. His day is as man's 24 odd hours long,
his year 360 odd days, the number of his years is 100.
Taking now
this globe -- since we are concerned with no other -- its government and
evolution proceed under Manu or man and from this is the term Manvantara or
"between two Manus." The course of evolution is divided into four
Yugas for every race in its own time and way. These Yugas do not affect all
mankind at one and the same time, as some races are in one of the Yugas while
others are in a different cycle.
The Red
Indian, for instance, is in the end of his stone age, while the Aryans are in
quite a different state. These four Yugas are: Krita, or Satya, the golden;
Treta; Dvapara; and Kali or the black. The present age for the West and India
is Kali Yuga, especially in respect to moral and spiritual development. The
first of these is slow in comparison with the rest, and the
present --
Kali -- is very rapid, its motion being accelerated precisely like certain
astronomical periods known today in regard to the Moon, but not fully worked
360 (odd)
mortal days make1
Krita Yuga
has 1,728,000
Treta Yuga
Dvapara Yuga
Kali Yuga has
Maha Yuga, or the four preceding, has4,320,000
71 Maha Yugas
form the reign of one Manu, or 306,720,000
14 Manus
Add the dawns
or twilights between each Manu 25,920,000
These reigns
and dawns make 1000 Maha Yugas, a Kalpa, or Day of Brahma 4,320,000,000
Night equals his Day and Night together make 8,640,000,000
360 of these
Days make Brahma's Year3,110,400,000,000
100 of these
Years make Brahma's Life311,040,000,000,000
The first
5000 years of Kali Yuga will end between the years 1897 and 1898.
This Yuga began
about 3102 years before the Christian era, at the time of Krishna's death.
As 1897-98
are not far off, the scientific men of today will have an opportunity of seeing
whether the close of the five thousand year cycle will be preceded or followed
by any convulsions or great changes political, scientific, or physical, or all
of these combined. Cyclic changes are now proceeding as year after year the
souls from prior civilizations are being incarnated in this period when liberty
of thought and action are not so restricted in the West as they have been in
the past by dogmatic religious prejudice and bigotry. And at the present time
we are in a cycle of transition, when, as a transition period should indicate,
everything in philosophy, religion, and society is changing. In a transition
period the full and complete figures and rules respecting cycles are not given
out to a generation which elevates money above all thoughts and scoffs at the
spiritual view of man and nature.
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Quantum Theory and Socks,
Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.
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Aardvarks were harmed in the
The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy
The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy
This guide has
been included in response
to the number
of enquiries we receive on this
subject at Cardiff Theosophical Society
From A Textbook
of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater
How We Remember our Past Lives
Life after Death & Reincarnation
Slaughter of the
a great
demand by the public for lectures on Reincarnation
Introductory Theosophy
Text Book of Theosophy
By C
What Theosophy Is From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man After Death
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
The Occult World
Alfred Percy
The Occult World is an treatise on the
Occult and Occult Phenomena, presented
readable style, by an early giant of
the Theosophical Movement.
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
Annie Besant
Annie Besant Visits Cardiff 1924
The Theosophy Cardiff Nirvana Pages
Wales Centre for Theosophy
Wales Theosophy Group
Theosophy Cardiff Cancels its Affiliation
to the Adyar Based Theosophical Society
and becomes an independent body within
the Worldwide Theosophical Movement
Theosophy Birmingham (England)
The Birmingham Annie Besant Lodge
Theosophy Cardiff
has links with the
Theosophy Cardiff
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Terraced Maze of Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury and
Joseph of Arimathea
The Grave of King Arthur & Guinevere
Views of Glastonbury High Street
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Camberley, Surrey,
England GU15 2LF
Concerns about the fate of the
wildlife as
Tekels Park is to
be Sold to a Developer
Concerns are
raised about the fate of the
wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat,
Tekels Park in
Camberley, Surrey,
England is to be
sold to a developer.
Tekels Park is a
50 acre woodland park,
for the Adyar Theosophical
In addition to
concern about the park,
many are worried about the future
of the Tekels
Park Deer as they
Confusion as the Theoversity moves out of
Tekels Park to
Southampton, Glastonbury &
Chorley in
Lancashire while the leadership claim
that the
Theosophical Society will carry on using
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Anyone planning a
“Spiritual” stay at the
Tekels Park Guest
House should be aware of the sale.
of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Party On!
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Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster
A Satirical view
of the sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley,
Surrey to a developer
The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
What the men in
top hats have to
say about the
sale of Tekels Park
Outline of Theosophy
Webster Leadbeater
Theosophy - What it is How is it Known?
The Method of Observation General Principles
The Three Great Truths Advantage Gained from this Knowledge
The Deity
The Divine Scheme The Constitution of Man
The True Man
The Wider Outlook
Death Man’s Past and Future Cause and Effect
Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format
Quick Explanations
with Links to More Detailed Info
What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)
Three Fundamental Propositions Key Concepts of Theosophy
Cosmogenesis Anthropogenesis Root Races
Ascended Masters After Death States
The Seven Principles of Man Karma
Reincarnation Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge
The Start of the Theosophical
History of the Theosophical
Theosophical Society Presidents
History of the Theosophical
Society in Wales
The Three Objectives of the
Theosophical Society
Explanation of the Theosophical
Society Emblem
The Theosophical Order of
Service (TOS)
Glossaries of Theosophical Terms
Index of
Full Text
Versions of
H P Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine
Isis Unveiled by H P Blavatsky
H P Blavatsky’s Esoteric Glossary
Mahatma Letters to A P Sinnett 1 - 25
A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom
(Selection of Articles by H P Blavatsky)
The Secret Doctrine – Volume 3
A compilation of H P Blavatsky’s
writings published after her death
Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries
The Early Teachings of The Masters
A Collection of Fugitive Fragments
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy
Philosophical, Theosophical, Historical
and Scientific
Essays Selected from "The Theosophist"
Edited by George Robert Stow Mead
From Talks on the Path of Occultism - Vol. II
In the Twilight”
Series of Articles
The In the
Twilight” series appeared during
1898 in The
Theosophical Review and
from 1909-1913
in The Theosophist.
compiled from
information supplied by
her relatives
and friends and edited by A P Sinnett
Letters and
Talks on Theosophy and the Theosophical Life
Teosoficas En Espanol
Schriften Auf Deutsch
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
By a student of
Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
Guide to the
Wales King Arthur Pages
Arthur draws
the Sword from the Stone
The Knights of The Round Table
The Roman Amphitheatre at Caerleon,
Eamont Bridge, Nr Penrith, Cumbria, England.
(History of the Kings of Britain)
The reliabilty of this work has long been a subject of
debate but it is the first definitive account of Arthur’s
and one which puts Arthur in a historcal context.
and his version’s political agenda
According to Geoffrey of Monmouth
The first written mention of Arthur as a heroic figure
The British leader who fought twelve battles
King Arthur’s ninth victory at
The Battle of the City of the Legion
King Arthur ambushes an advancing Saxon
army then defeats them at Liddington Castle,
Badbury, Near Swindon, Wiltshire, England.
King Arthur’s twelfth and last victory against the Saxons
Traditionally Arthur’s last battle in which he was
mortally wounded although his side went on to win
No contemporary writings or accounts of his life
but he is placed 50 to 100 years after the accepted
King Arthur period. He refers to Arthur in his inspiring
poems but the earliest written record of these dates
from over three hundred years after Taliesin’s death.
Mallerstang Valley, Nr Kirkby Stephen,
A 12th Century Norman ruin on the site of what is
reputed to have been a stronghold of Uther Pendragon
From wise child with no
earthly father to
Megastar of Arthurian
History of the Kings of Britain
Drawn from the Stone or received from the Lady of the Lake.
Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur has both versions
with both swords called Excalibur. Other versions
5th & 6th Century Timeline of Britain
From the departure of the Romans from
Britain to the establishment of sizeable
Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms
Glossary of
Arthur’s uncle:- The puppet ruler of the Britons
controlled and eventually killed by Vortigern
Amesbury, Wiltshire, England. Circa 450CE
An alleged massacre of Celtic Nobility by the Saxons
History of the Kings of Britain
Athrwys / Arthrwys
King of Ergyng
Circa 618 - 655 CE
Latin: Artorius; English: Arthur
A warrior King born in Gwent and associated with
Caerleon, a possible Camelot. Although over 100 years
later that the accepted Arthur period, the exploits of
Athrwys may have contributed to the King Arthur Legend.
He became King of Ergyng, a kingdom between
Gwent and Brycheiniog (Brecon)
Angles under Ida seized the Celtic Kingdom of
Bernaccia in North East England in 547 CE forcing
Although much later than the accepted King Arthur
period, the events of Morgan Bulc’s 50 year campaign
to regain his kingdom may have contributed to
Old Welsh: Guorthigirn;
Anglo-Saxon: Wyrtgeorn;
Breton: Gurthiern; Modern Welsh; Gwrtheyrn;
An earlier ruler than King Arthur and not a heroic figure.
He is credited with policies that weakened Celtic Britain
to a point from which it never recovered.
Although there are no contemporary accounts of
his rule, there is more written evidence for his
existence than of King Arthur.
How Sir Lancelot slew two giants,
From Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur
How Sir Lancelot rode disguised
in Sir Kay's harness, and how he
From Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur
How Sir Lancelot jousted against
four knights of the Round Table,
From Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur
these if you are looking for a local
Group or Centre
UK Listing of Theosophical Groups
Theosophical Society in Wales
Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF24 – 1DL
Picture Gallery
Cardiff Millennium Stadium
The Hayes Cafe
Cardiff Castle Circa 1890
Church Street
The Original Norman Castle which stands inside
the Grounds of the later
Inside the Grounds at
Cardiff Street Entertainment
Cardiff Indoor Market
Cardiff Theosophical Society in Wales